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couple shopping

Shop Local This Holiday Season

Whether you need to purchase gifts, greeting cards, dinner fixin's, baked goods, twinkle lights, decorations or even just some extra chairs, a new welcome mat, spare bedding or one more air mattress, the holiday season can seem like it's all about shopping. It is easy to get overwhelmed with sales...

Watering lawn

Summer Lawn Care Schedule

Summer can be a stressful time for any lawn. With proper seasonal care, however, you can keep your lawn in great condition to withstand all of summer’s extremes and activities. How Summer Is Hard on Lawns Summer is a season of extremes, with long hours of brutal sunlight, blazing hot temperatures,...

Late Fall Lawn Care

Late Fall Lawn Care

The fall is a busy time for gardeners. Not only are you trying to clean up your gardens and flower beds to prepare them for the winter, you are also winterizing your garden so that you can hit the ground running in the spring. Often, we forget that our lawn requires the same amount of love and care...

Repairing Concrete Steps

Repairing Concrete Steps

If your home has concrete steps, there may come a time when a little repair is necessary. Depending on the age of your steps or their exposure to the elements, the level of damage can vary. Though it may seem intimidating, the job isn’t too difficult. With just a couple exceptions, it can be...

Starting a New Lawn

Starting a New Lawn

Sometimes, through acts of nature or maybe too much fertilizing, it's necessary to start a totally new lawn or to completely rebuild large areas of an existing lawn. In these cases here's what you'll need to do.Tools & Materials you'll need: Rotary tiller Rake Seed Seed spreader Watering hose and...

Backhoe Loader Rentals

Backhoe Loader Rentals

Ask any contractor what part of the construction job cost the most and they will tell you the cost of supplies and labor. It’s no secret building and excavating is not cheap. The best way to save money on any project that’s going to require a hole to be dug is to rent a Backhoe Loader. Whether you...